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Posting tems you are wanting a seller to list here at: Bidcorral Wanted List easy. Simply register if you have not already (by clicking [New Registration] here or at the top or bottom of any classified ad page). Our system automatically mails your password usually within a few seconds (no need to disconnect while you wait). Once you have the password, you might want to copy it from your e-mail and go to [Change Registration] to replace with something you might more easily remember.

Posting wanted items is accomplished by clicking on [Post Wanted Item] here or the post button at the top of any Bidcorral Wanted List page. Fill in the Wanted List form with a short descriptive title (make it snazzy to get people's attention). Next, select the category the item should be in (if you don't see an appropriate category on the drop down list, please e-mail us Bidcorral Wanted List Administrator and ask for that category to be added. Be patient please--we get lots of e-mail.

Pictures in yout Wanted Listing are optional. They are helpful to to sellers, if you are lokoing for an exact replacement of an item, or a unique item. Pictures let sellers know exactly what item you are looking for! It's very simple to upload a photograph using our image upload service. No HUGE files please. Please try to keep the images under 200Kb if possible.

Decide how many days you want to your Wanted List item to run. Our system supports 1-30 days. Most people use seven days. You may also choose the auto-relist feature, and extend you Wanted List run-time out up to 90 days.

Enter a description. You can simply type your description into the Description: box but we also support HTML. Feel free to use your favorite HTML editor (like FrontPagetm), then cut and paste your descriptive masterpiece into the Description box.

After the description is complete, enter your username in the Your Username: box and your password in the box below.

Once the posting form is filled in to your satisfaction, hit the Preview button. The system shows how the posted item will look. If you like what you see, click on the I Want It button and your Wanted List item is now complete.

Wanted List item descriptions may not contain contact information. This includes, email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, or any other contact information. Do to security issues, this is strictly enforced. Please read the Terms & Conditions for full details.

So, post away and the very best of luck to you from everyone here at Bidcorral Wanted List and, please remember, if you have any questions, drop us an e-mail to Bidcorral Wanted List Administrator.

Happy buying and selling!

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